Building NFT Collections with NFT Minting Module Template

Blockchain technology has created new opportunities in various industries, including finance, supply chain management, and art. The creation and trading of non-fungible tokens are among the most notable applications of blockchain technology (NFTs). These tokens are unique digital assets stored on a blockchain, making them immutable and secure.

The NFT Minting Module can assist you if you are a blockchain developer looking to create an NFT collection with more complex functions available. This module contains the functionality that a project requires when creating an NFT collection. 

Let’s take a look at the features of the NFT Minting smart contract module and how to use it: 

  1. Prepare metadata for your tokens: Before deploying the contract, you must prepare metadata for your tokens and upload it to IPFS or a centralized service like s3. You can use a service like Pinata Cloud to do this.

  2. Deploy the contract: You need to input eight (8) arguments when deploying the contract.

    The first argument is a string representing the token’s name, and the second one represents the token’s symbol. Other arguments are:
    • baseTokenURI_: IPFS can also be used for the baseTokenURI. For example, Pinata is easy to use.
    • maxSupply_: Maximum number of NFTs that can be minted. Set the quantity that can be sold out.
    • preCost_: Mint cost when public sale
    • publicCost_: Mintable quantity per WL slot
    • maxMintableQuantityPerWL_: Mintable quantity per WL slo
    • mintableLimitPerTX_: Upper limit of mintable in one tx. bot prevention
  1. Generate the NFT collection: You can generate the NFT collection by deploying the module.

  2. Register addresses for whitelisting: You can register addresses for whitelisting by calling the function “updateWL” or “pushMultiWL”. These functions take an array of addresses as an argument.

  1. Mint NFTs: As a whitelisted user, you can mint NFTs by calling the function “preMint” while the presale duration is activated.

  2. Start public sale: You can start a public sale by calling the function “setPresale”. This function takes one argument of type boolean and represents the state of the presale. When the presale state is set to false, the presale phase will stop, and the public sale will start.

  3. Participate in public minting: If you’re not part of the registered whitelist but want to participate, you can participate by calling the function “publicMint”.

  4. Withdraw profits: The contract owner can withdraw the profits generated from selling the NFT collection by calling the function “withdraw”.

It’s worth noting that for this particular example, the only values the owner needs to set up are done during development. However, other contracts may require more steps after deployment.

Use Cases of the NFT Minting Module

The NFT Minting Module has several use cases for developers looking to create unique and secure NFT collections. Here are some examples:

  1. Art and Collectibles: NFTs are being used to represent unique digital artworks and collectibles. Developers can use the NFTMintingModule to create their own NFT collections with customizable features such as white-listed users and different sales modes.
  2. Gaming: NFTs are also used as in-game assets, characters, and weapons. Developers can use the NFTMintingModule to create their own gaming NFT collections, enabling players to buy and sell assets on the blockchain.
  3. Music: Musicians and artists can use NFTs to represent unique digital albums, tracks, and merchandise. You can use the NFTMintingModule can create NFT collections and include different sales modes, allowing fans to buy and sell limited-edition digital assets.
  4. Real Estate: NFTs are being used to represent unique real estate assets, such as virtual properties in virtual worlds. You can use The NFTMintingModule to create NFT collections with customizable features such as white-listed users and different sales modes.
  5. Digital Identity: NFTs can also represent digital identity and ownership. The NFTMintingModule can create NFT collections with features such as custom metadata and token URI configuration, allowing developers to create unique digital identity NFTs.

The NFTMintingModule is a versatile smart contract module used in various industries and use-cases, allowing developers to create unique and secure NFT collections on the blockchain.


Following these steps and using the NFT Minting Module will give you everything you need to build and customize an NFT Collection for your DApp use case.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll build; if you follow these steps and get stuck or have any questions, feel free to reach out on Discord or send a DM on Twitter.

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