We’re delighted to announce we partnered with ETH GLOBAL to sponsor the next ETH TOKYO hackathon on April 14th-16th 2023.
Bunzz will be contributing with a $5000 prize to the pool.
ETHGlobal Tokyo is an event bringing together some of the top minds and blockchain experts in the Ethereum Ecosystem to Tokyo, enabling teams of web3 developers to build Dapps in only 36 hours by providing plenty of web3 resources like mentors, sponsors, workshops and software.
Join our founders Kenta Akutsu (CEO), Shota Takahashi (CTO) and Gaurav Khanna (Product Manager) next April 14th-16th 2023, as the whole Ethereum community converges in Japan for a remarkable weekend of hacking, networking summits, and side events to keep on pushing forward the web3 space.
More details coming soon. Stay tuned!
Bunzz Team