ERC20 Tokens in DAOs – What, Why, and How?

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) have become an increasingly popular way to create decentralized communities and organizations. A DAO is a digital organization run by smart contracts on the blockchain, and its token holders govern it. One of the most widely used token standards for creating tokens in DAOs is the ERC-20 standard.  In this blog […]

ERC20 Tokens in DAOs – What, Why, and How? Read More »

Smart Contract Verification Feature Available in Bunzz

Bunzz keeps on over-delivering and now launched a Smart Contract Verification Feature, one of the most requested by its blockchain developers community. Now you can verify the source code of all the smart contracts that you deploy in Bunzz in an easy way, getting all the data you need to copy and fill in all

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Launch your own token on Polygon Network in 5 mins

In this guide, you will learn about creating your own token in 5 mins using Bunzz and launching on the Polygon network, and it will be a step-by-step process. Before we start, we need to understand a few things, and I promise it won’t be a long, boring history class lecture! What is Polygon Network? Polygon

Launch your own token on Polygon Network in 5 mins Read More »

How to Create and Mint an ERC20 Token in JavaScript.

The goal of this guide is to demonstrate how to create an ERC-20 token in as little time as possible using JavaScript and the Bunzz SDK without writing Solidity. This guide is divided into two parts, both covering the following major concepts respectively: Let’s start with the basics: What is an ERC20 token? What is

How to Create and Mint an ERC20 Token in JavaScript. Read More »

Token Standards: ERC20 vs. ERC721 vs. ERC1155

ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comment, and addressing this topic will help us better understand the reach of many blockchain use cases. ERC standards, in a way, define the standards for writing the smart contract that regulates the token activities on Ethereum. Among others, three important protocols or token standards have been given the

Token Standards: ERC20 vs. ERC721 vs. ERC1155 Read More »

How to generate ERC20 smart contract using Bunzz in no-code

This guide explains how to generate, deploy, and mint ERC20 tokens using the Bunzz development platform in no-code. Yarn will be used as the node package manager in this project. While other wallets can be used, the “Ropsten Test Network” on MetaMask is the wallet used to connect to the Ethereum blockchain in this tutorial.

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